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Halloween Project

Final render of my Halloween project.

I have created this project because I was very curious of Blender, I didn't have much experience with this software before, and it was hard at the beginning because I used Maya so far and It was a bit confusing to get used to new shortcuts. 


I started this scene by modelling pumpkins and apples, I have tried to add a bit of variety in sizes, shapes and color. 


Another step was creating the grass, this tutorial took me a while, especially taming particle system.

I have created different types of grass, vary them in sizes and color to imitate natural phenomena and  show this background as realistic as I could.


First nice render of my grassy environment. It took a while to find nice proportions and randomness to it. 


Setting up the scene, I also added candles to my scene to make lightning more interesting.  To create them I have used tutorial:

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